Source: Rijksmuseum.
1. Windmills everywhere
Windmills are everywhere and people even live in these windmills. As far as I remember, I live in a normal house, in a normal residential area. Yes, there are windmills in this country, but not everyone lives in a windmill.
2. Amsterdam is The Netherlands
When you visit the Keukenhof, you have definitely left Amsterdam. The Keukenhof is a flower exhibition that is opened in Spring. During the Summer months, it closed.
If you want to see how our country is ruled, you won’t find much about that in Amsterdam. Our nation’s government can be found in the city of The Hague (Den Haag).
So, Amsterdam isn’t The Netherlands. Even our nation’s most important airport isn’t even located in this city…
3. Jansen isn't the most common name
Interesting fact: the longest Dutch family name is: Van den Heuvel tot Beichlingen, gezegd Bartolotti Rijnders. Try fitting that into your passport!
4. Hans Brinker isn't really Dutch
Sorry for spoiling the ending of a good book. Hans Brinker was the fictional character in a book written by the American author Mary Maple Dodge. She wrote this book in 1865. The Dutch translation wasn’t released until 1867.
5. Tulips aren't Dutch
6. Cannabis is legal
This myth is not entirely true, but it isn’t false. Confusing right? Just like the legalization of cannabis in The Netherlands…
7. "Gezellig"
8. It's a racist thing... or isn't it?
Update 28-02-2023: More and more people are now convinced (fortunately) that this is indeed a racist tradition. Black face is just plain racist.
9. Our royal family isn't Dutch, to begin with...
10. Not everyone agrees with certain right-wing politicians
Update 28-02-2023:
Contrary to what you may have seen in certain television programs on Fox News, it is not the case that the Dutch population is massively behind certain groups. The people you see passing by in certain television programs via Fox News do not represent the voice of the Dutch people. This was evident from the most recent national elections, in which those parties in particular did not achieve the gains they thought they could. It is exciting what the parties will do in March 2023. Then new elections will follow.
Update 30-08-2024:
This is precisely why Artigenda decided to start a new chapter. Articles and a diary. Background information and depth. That is what Artigenda stands for.