Arturia – from software to hardware

Arturia - from software to hardware

The full article ‘’ was first published via Artigenda. Since then, the article on the genesis of the French company Arturia can be found on the author’s website, Harm Jagerman.

Virtual synthesisers have been around longer than you think


In case you haven’t heard: VST or Virtual Studio Technology has been around longer than you think. With that, virtual synthesisers have been around longer than you think. How exactly is that? You read about that earlier via Artigenda and how exactly…

240 million PCs?

240 million PCs?

According to calculations by Canalys, 240 million PCs would disappear into landfills after 2025. Microsoft’s support for Windows 10 ends after October 2025. 240 million PCs? Is that a realistic number?

Singing cats

Singing kats

The song Magic Fly by Space is a good time to take a look at what has been done with this song. That eventually leads you to, yes, singing cats.

Prove you’re human

Prove you're human

There is a big chance that you are familiar with CAPTCHA. This is a way to prove you’re human and your intentions are good. The most used version of CAPTCHA is Google’s ReCaptcha. Did you know there’s another option to use?

Wang Laboratories: once frontrunner

Wang Laboratories: once frontrunner

Wang Laboratories: once a leader in office automation. In particular, then, in the field of word processors. Not the word processors you might expect. The terminals that were attached to (large) mainframe computers. Without bankruptcy in the 1990s, might Wang Laboratories have become IBM’s number one competitor, as one would have liked?

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