These are all articles in the Poetry category.

The shadow of Stevenson
Sometimes in the past, a poet did not become known for his work as a poet. Instead, it was thanks to an entirely different literary

The twinkling house in the moonlight
The poem “The House Was Just Twinkling In The Moon Light” by Gertrude Stein (February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946) is not only a

Meanwhile in Beer Street and Gin Lane…
Meanwhile in Beer Street and Gin Lane… it was disorder. The Gin Craze was the reason for William Hogarth (10 November 1697 – 26 October

Edgar Allan Poe wrote about a raven…
‘The Raven’ is an impressive poem written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1845 about madness and despair. Why is this poem still so popular?

Analysis of “Spellbound”
“Spellbound” is a poignant exploration of emotional paralysis and the overwhelming forces of nature, captured in one poem, written by Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848).

Who was Christina Rossetti?
Today, she is still considered an inspiration to many. Who was Christina Rossetti? This article focuses on this British-Italian or Italian-British writer, so you can

A Hymn to the Morning
Phillis Wheatley did something that was not possible during her lifetime. She published poetry. This was not a given because she was a woman. Nor

Analysis of “Before the World Was Made”
The poem “Before the World Was Made” could be about one of William Butler’s (1865 – 1939) Yeats sisters. In any case, it is about