These are all articles in the History category.

It’s Back to the Future Day!
It is October 21 and it is therefore a special day. It is Back to the Future Day. The special version of this day has

Arturia – from software to hardware
The full article ‘’ was first published via Artigenda. Since then, the article on the genesis of the French company Arturia can be found on

A misunderstood disease
For a long time, rabies or rabies was considered a misunderstood disease. A disease with a fatal outcome. Until the disease became treatable with Louis

We have been tourists for quite a long time
On World Tourism Day, it is a good time to look at the history of tourism. Based on that history, we can conclude: that we

Meanwhile in Beer Street and Gin Lane…
Meanwhile in Beer Street and Gin Lane… it was disorder. The Gin Craze was the reason for William Hogarth (10 November 1697 – 26 October

Virtual synthesisers have been around longer than you think
In case you haven’t heard: VST or Virtual Studio Technology has been around longer than you think. With that, virtual synthesisers have been around longer

The Day the Music Died
The Day the Music Died is part of a recurring phrase from a song by Don McLean. What exactly does this song refer to and

Time for an analysis of that Christmas song with that long title
It’s Christmas and that is made clear to you by Bing Crosby’s song, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” There is so much

Who was Christina Rossetti?
Today, she is still considered an inspiration to many. Who was Christina Rossetti? This article focuses on this British-Italian or Italian-British writer, so you can

Taking your teddy bear on a picnic
On 10 July, it’s Teddy Bear Picnic Day and that day causes some puzzles. Why is the day even there and why would you go

Who gets credit for inventing fries?
Who gets credit for inventing fries? Will the honour go to France or Belgium or is there another country that will take the credit?

Will the real creator of the Mojito please stand up?
It’s July 11 and this means Mojito Day. On the website of De Goede Huisvader a Dutch article was published entitled Will the real creator

About Last Christmas
Don’t worry, this analysis of Last Christmas by Wham! that previously appeared on other websites won’t plunge you straight into Whamageddon. Still, we should take

Thank you Philipp Franz von Siebold!
Philipp Franz von Siebold was fond of flowers and plants. That love of flowers and plants poses a major problem in Western Europe centuries later.

Wang Laboratories: once frontrunner
Wang Laboratories: once a leader in office automation. In particular, then, in the field of word processors. Not the word processors you might expect. The