World Youth Skills Day


Jul 15 2025


All day


United Nations
When: annually, July 15.
The name Young Talent Day is a lot shorter than its official name, 15 July. The official name is World Youth Skills Day. This is a day created by the United Nations. Some also describe this day as International Youth Skills Day. The message is still the same.
As is the case for (almost) every special day that is a United Nations initiative, a dedicated website is also available for this day. On this website you can find out all about this day. For instance, you will read that the day was proposed in 2014 and the first official day was a reality in 2015. This is all thanks to this resolution. The corresponding action plan can be viewed at this link.


The day wants to motivate encourage young people to use their talents and motivate them. To support this, there is also support for teachers, trainers and educators. An estimated 600 million new jobs are needed every year to help young people develop their talents.

The UN expects the proportion of young people to grow by more than 78 million by 2030. This poses challenges and problems, it is thought. Education and training must match the needs. Not only that but sufficient places must be offered where talents can then be developed.

Impact of the pandemic

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been very high, according to the UN, and will continue to be felt in the coming years.

Target audience

The target audience consists of people between 15 and 29 years old.

More information

If you want to know more about the day, the links below are worth checking out.


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