When: Annually, October 5.
World Teacher’s Day is on October 5. This day is because UNESCO want to honor and protect teachers worldwide.
Important for this day was UNESCO’s recommendation for the protection of the status of teachers worldwide. This recommendation was adopted at a meeting in Paris on 5 October 1966, as you can read here.
The same recommendation for education as adopted in 1966 was not recommended for higher education until 1997, as you can read here can be read.
All teaching staff
So, although the name suggests otherwise, it is a day for all teaching staff. For all curricula, for all types of education. Only the day itself did not exist for a long time. It only came about in 1994.
Purpose of the day
It is not just a day to put a teacher in the limelight. It is a day to think critically about the position of teaching staff. What is needed to ensure security, for example? What is necessary to ensure that access to education can be given? Issues such as human resources management and diversity can also be considered.
Worldwide, not in the Netherlands, there is a shortage of teachers. UNESCO believes it is important to realise this. That teacher shortage can result in children and young adults not getting the opportunities they would deserve. More about the figures can be found via this page. What exactly the plans are until 2030 and beyond can be found at the website of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030.