World Standards Day


Oct 14 2025


All day




World Standards Coorperation
When: annually, October 14.

Even in a world where we would like to be unique and move away from unity, certain standards are necessary. Because of those standards and the work done and being done by countless professionals, there is World Standards Day. This day takes place every year on October 14.

Establishment ISO

The day is not related to the founding of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The date on which this organisation was founded was on 23 February 1947. However, the founding did play a role. The meeting held a year earlier on 14 October 1946, to which the day is linked, played a role in the creation of the international organisation for standards. Incidentally, this is not the only global organisation dealing with standards. Think, for example, of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

First World Standards Day

The first time World Standards Day took place was on October 14, 1970. Since then, ISO, IEC and ITU have been working together to shape the day, as you can read via this page.

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