World Press Freedom Day


May 03 2025


All day




United Nations
When: annually, May 3.
Every year, 3 May is dedicated to freedom of the press on World Press Freedom Day. The world should be a safe place, where journalists are allowed to do their work freely. The reality is different. The United Nations has therefore declared this day as a day of awareness.

Declaration of Windhoek

The day is linked to the Declaration of Windhoek. This is a declaration that came from a summit that was held in Windhoek (Namibia) between April 29 and May 3, 1991. This summit focussed on the importance of the independence press. This declaration would form the basis for what is known as World Press Freedom Day. While the Declaration of Windhoek focussed on countries on the African continent, it proved to be worthy for countries all over the globe. Even now, freedom of the press is no guarantee in many countries across the globe. That’s why World Press Freedom Day is important.

UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize

On World Press Freedom Day, a day that has existed since 1997, a special prize is awarded by UNESCO. The UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize is awarded to individuals or organisations working for press freedom. It is named after Guillermo Cano. He was killed in Colombia on 17 December 1986. He was murdered at the behest of drug lords.

More information

The information about this day is available on the official website of the United Nations entitled World Press Freedom Day. UNESCO also offers more information about the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.


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