- Oct 18 2025
- All day
October 18 is World Okapi Day since 2016. It’s an international attempt to draw attention to the Okapia johnstoni, the “living fossil.”
Special animals
Importance of this day
Protection efforts
Possible activities on this day
Visit a zoo
Many zoos organise special events and educational activities on World Okapi Day. Visit a zoo near you to learn more about the okapi and the efforts being made to protect it.
Donate to conservation projects
Consider donating to organisations such as the Okapi Conservation Project. Your contribution can help fund patrols, educational programmes and other conservation efforts.
Create awareness
Use social media to raise awareness about the okapi. Share information, photos and videos about the okapi and the threats it faces. Use hashtags such as #WorldOkapiDay and #OkapiConservation to spread your messages.
Recycle electronic appliances
By recycling old mobile phones and other electronic devices, you can help reduce the demand for coltan and thus reduce mining activities in the okapi's habitat.
Organise or participate in educational workshops and presentations on the okapi and conservation. By informing others, you can help create a broader base of support for conservation efforts.