Home Bijzondere dagen - Artigenda Healthcare World Occupational Therapy Day

World Occupational Therapy Day


Oct 27 2025


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World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)
When: Annually, October 27.
The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) decided to declare October 27 as World Occupational Therapy Day. This is the day when occupational therapy takes centre stage.

What is occupational therapy?

It is a paramedical discipline in which treatment aims to enable people who are (re)able to do ‘something’ due to illness, disability or accident. A very long time ago, we knew occupational therapy as occupational therapy.
Occupational therapy can be diverse and that can vary from person to person. For some it can help to regain the ability to perform certain things, increase productivity or participate in social life. In other cases, it involves a solution focused on living, mobility or leisure.

Professional associations and websites

The WFOT is the international organisation that decided there should be a day for occupational therapy. You can read more about it via this website.
There’s also information available in The Netherlands and Belgium. The website ergotherapie.nl. offers information for people in The Netherlands, while ergotherapie.be  offers information for people in Belgium.


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