World Dream Day


Sep 25 2025


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World Dreamday
When: Annually, September 25.
September 25 is World Dream Day (English: World Dream Day). A day dedicated to dreams, fulfilled or unfulfilled.

"Dare to dream"

It is sometimes said, “Dare to dream.” Is it about daring on World Dream Day? Actually, no. The day is about fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams.
Dreams can come true, it is sometimes said. Unless it involves something like meeting a giraffe in a busy shopping street. Unless this is quite normal in the country where you reside.
A giraffe in a busy shopping street.
A giraffe in a busy shopping street.


The day is an idea by Ozioma Egwuonwu, who was affiliated with Columbia University in 2012. So no, it was not about the dreams you have at night. It’s still not about that. It’s about your wishes. About the things you hope will one day come true. About the things you can work on to achieve a goal. Those things are the focus of this day. On this day, you are meant to share them with the rest of the world, to encourage yourself to do what with them.
Back to the giraffe…
Suppose it does become your dream to achieve it, what do you need to do to do so? What do you have to do to achieve it? Very realistic will not be that dream. Let’s face it. The chances won’t be very high. Other dreams may be more realistic, though. You can only think they are not realistic.

Goals and inspiration

Dreams can be the impetus to achieve goals. They can also cause others to be inspired by them. It can be the impetus for change. That is what this World Dream Day is all about.

More information

Want to read more about the day? Then check out


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