- Jan 04 2026
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Resolution 73/161
Thanks to United Nations (UN) Resolution 73/161, World Braille Day is on the birthday of Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 – January 6, 1852). Louis Braille is the inventor of the reading and writing system for visually impaired people, Braille.
Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles
Charles Barbier de la Serre
Only in 1843 did the wretched conditions in which the educational institute was located come to an end. Braille was by then teaching there, using the system he developed. That system was not entirely new, he adopted it from Charles Barbier de la Serre (May 18, 1767 – April 22, 1841). This captain from the French army is the actual inventor of the base from which Braille developed a system we know today as Braille.
Age 12
De ontwikkelingen gingen langzaam. Veel onderwijsinstellingen in andere delen van de wereld bleven vasthouden aan het verzet tegen de introductie van Braille. Pas na 1882 nam het verzet af, behalve in de Verenigde Staten. Daar duurde het nog tot aan de jaren dertig voordat het ook hier een standaard werd.
More information
If you want to read more about this day, check out the UN’s website about this day. The UN has also made available an article on the origins of this day. You can read this article here.