National Transgender Children Day is een Amerikaans initiatief dat jaarlijks plaatsvindt op 26 oktober en niet gebonden hoeft te zijn aan de landsgrenzen van de Verenigde Staten. Vandaar dus de Transgender Children Day op 26 oktober.
Purpose of the day
It is not without reason that this day was chosen. Consider the situation in the world. In several countries, the situation can be described as serious, sometimes even downright dangerous. We are talking about policies implemented by various governments and what is directed against underage transgender people. These plans have been adopted in the form of laws or there are plans to adopt them. This legislation does not only affect transgender persons. It also affects non-binary persons and genderqueer persons. Minors too. In some cases, the legislation specifically targets minors.
Today in particular is there to make the children in question feel that good. If only to say today, “You’re valid!” That is a message that is not just limited to a day like today. Tomorrow or the day after that is a good time too.
The Netherlands
What about the entry on this website? This is not the original entry. That one appeared in 2023 on the website of De Goede Huisvader. The idea for a non-border day came from Harm Jagerman. It would then be a Dutch edition. Perhaps not only, as it could also be an international day. In any case, the day need not be limited to a country. The entry therefore appears on the website as Transgender Children Day.