Spring Break Dutch Region South
- Feb 22 2025 - Mar 02 2025
- All day
About the region classification in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is divided into regions when it comes to education. The Central Netherlands, North Netherlands and South Netherlands regions all have different schedules for certain school holidays. This was started by the Dutch government in the 1990s to spread the holidays. This prevented congestion on the roads to holiday destinations and an economy that came to a standstill during certain periods. Holiday staggering was first implemented during the holiday period in the summer months. Later, other holidays also became part of the holiday staggering scheme.
The southern educational region is indicative in some cases as it comes down to the dates. No rights can therefore be derived from the dates mentioned through this website. The Dutch government publishes the final versions of the holidays via its website.
The holiday that is known as the voorjaarsvakantie is the first holiday after the Christmas holiday and the first holiday before the holidays in May.
More information
The links below refer to websites of the Dutch government and these are in the Dutch language.