When: Annually, 20 June.
On June 20 annually it’s Polygender Pride Day. A day dedicated to the polygender identity. A day to make yourself familiar with this gender identity. In addition, the day is there to end prejudice, violence and discrimination.
What's polygender?
Polygender or multigender was first described in 1995 by Gary Bowen. It then took another three years for a clearer description to follow, via the website Sphere. Thanks to this last article and the following efforts, you may consider pangender a non-binary identity. Sphere emphasised the importance of the transgender community at the time and thus emphatically placed the identity within this category. However, it did distinguish between trans women and trans men.
A synonym for polygender is multigender. Polygender is a different term from polysexuality. The name polygender contains the word gender, whereas polysexuality contains the word sexuality. So one is about (a) gender identity, whereas the other is about (a) sexual orientation. They have nothing to do with each other.
The flag belonging to the polygender community consists of black, grey, pink, yellow and blue. It is unknown who created this flag in 2015. You can read more about this flag in the article “The flags of the rainbow – Part 2.” This series originally appeared as an article (2021) on the website of De Goede Huisvader.
Deviating from the standard can always already lead to problems. It can always already lead to misunderstanding. Even to hatred, discrimination and violence. For persons who identify based on this polygender identity, it is no different. Perhaps even more so, because it differs from what many have heard or read. Words like “not normal” then pass by and are a licence for the very behaviour that is not normal. Behaviour that should be frowned upon. Behaviour that should be rejected, especially on a day like today. On this Polygender Pride Day!