
Oct 23 2025


06:00 - 18:00




National Mole Day Foundation INC. (NMDF)
When: Annually, October 23 - 06.02 am and 06.02 pm (18.02).
International Mole Day is not about the predominantly subterranean mammal. This annual day, which takes place between 06.02 am and 06.02 pm (18.02) on October 23, is dedicated to one of the seven basic units in the SI system: the mole. The day is there for chemists, chemists and anyone who loves chemistry and chemistry.

Date and time entry

The date and time entry of this day can be explained in a logical way. It is only necessary then to look at the Anglo-American way of date and time entry.

06.02 am en 06.02 pm


Together, this will be:

06:02 10/23

The time and date are derived from Avogadro’s Constant, also called Avogadro’s number. So that is NA. This is a physical constant used to indicate the ratio of the number of particles in a substance.


The day was conceived by American teacher Maurice Oehler, who in turn was inspired by the work of Margaret Christoph (“The Science Teacher“). This book was published in the 1980s, as you can read here. Oehler arranged for the National Mole Day Foundation (NMDF) to be founded on May 15, 1991. He died on January 23, 2020 at the age of 87. The work of the NMDF continues to this day, and more information can be found via the NMDF website.


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