- Aug 12 2025
- All day
When: Annually, August 12.
International Youth Day takes place annually on August 12 and this is a day declared by the United Nations (UN) to focus on youth worldwide.
About this day
It’s an unusual description: A youth-centred day. What does that mean? On this day, the UN wants to call on world leaders, politicians and also the business community to reflect on what social issues are important for youth worldwide. The question, of course, is whether this would not happen on other days.
The day is there for a reason. The idea that insufficient action is being taken and more is needed to protect youth, provide opportunities and solve problems all come together on this day of awareness. You can read more about the background to this day at this page.
Under pressure
Not in every country does youth have the same rights or opportunities. Youth rights are under pressure. Because of conflicts and because of wars. On the other hand, other issues play a significant role. A situation where someone is not allowed to think freely or where there is a restriction of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. These last two issues are often overlooked. The focus is often on conflicts and wars.
More information
More information about this day is available on the offcial website of the UN. It’s a dedicated website to this day.