Home Bijzondere dagen - Artigenda LGBTQIA+ International Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility


Mar 31 2025


All day




3 October Vereeniging
When: Annually, 31 March.

Every year on 31 March, the International Transgender Day of Visibility takes place. This is a day to raise awareness of discrimination that transgender people face on a daily basis worldwide. This day has existed since 2009.

Unlike International Transgender Day of Remembrance, this day is about the living. We reflect on the individuals who it happens to now. For whom it is a daily reality to have to deal with what we know as transphobia.

What is transphobia?

When you use the word simple, it might seem to be about something small. So a short description preceded by that word is not a complete one. An addition should always follow. A clarification. A description like “Simple, a hatred or dislike of transgender persons” is strictly accurate. If only it were simple. It is not simple at all. Hate is never simple. Using this very word can evoke something. It can give a definition of a certain innocence or perhaps even make the concept itself less “heavy”. It is about something serious, because hate is serious. There is nothing funny or nothing innocent about transphobia. Just as there is none for fascist or racist messages. If only it were simple. Then it would be easy to solve.
A message of hatred. That’s what it’s about. Hate against transgender people. Because that hatred is pervasive, a day like the International Transgender Day of Visibility should show positively that things can be different. That things should be different. Remember that a simple thought can already turn into hate. Hate can spill over into violence. Hate can escalate even further.


It is not a question of comparing which is worse. Hate is hate. It needs to stop. So that was the reason why this day came into being. Not because there had to be “another” day. The genesis of the day is closely linked to hate. There is already a day centred on those who have died at the hands of hate. Rachel Crandall wanted to make sure there would be a difference. There is a difference between that day and the day of awareness for those living. Hence, two separate days.

What can you do?

Now the question is what can you do on a day like today? First of all, think critically about your behaviour. Is the way you talk about transgender people the right way? You can read more about this, for example, via this website.

What you can do further is to see what interest groups have to say. For example, consider Trans Resources by the LGBTQIA Resource Center.

Visibility, not just today

To everyone who matters today: you are visible. Only that should not be limited to today. Tomorrow is a new day. On that day too, there should be that visibility. Naturally, this should be so, only it is not. Hence, a day like today is much needed.

It’s all about acceptance and respect. Not only that, it’s also about information. That’s why Artigenda publishes entries like this in the agenda.


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