Home Bijzondere dagen - Artigenda Society International Talk Like a Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day


Sep 19 2025


All day


When: Annually, September 19.
September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This day originated as a joke in 1995. Since then, the world has been stuck on this day with people practising their pirate skills that day.


The day was an idea of John Baur and Mark Summers from the United States and the occasion for it was less fun. One of the two got injured during a game of racquetball (looks like squash, but isn’t) and then shouted “Aaarrr!” That laid the foundation for the day. Sometimes it can just be very simple.
Since the day could not take place on the day this incident took place, the two decided that the day should be held on another day. This is because the incident took place on 6 June and that day is dedicated to the commemoration of Operation Overlord. Therefore, the two chose the birth date of Summer’s ex-wife as the date for International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


It did take a while for the day to gain notoriety. That was in 2002. The two wrote a letter to columnist Dave Barry asking him to make the day more widely known. They did. The day eventually became so popular that Reddit in 2014 had updated the website to a real pirate theme.


The official day over this one has a drawback. The website is not secured with an SSL certificate. The website does get updated from time to time. That explains the warning when you open this website. An archived version is available on this site.

Aaarrr! Have fun!!


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