When: annually, July 3.
Every year on July 3, it is International Plastic Bag Free Day. An initiative of Zero Waste Europe, this day is a time to think about the use of plastic and plastic bags in particular. Many plastic bags end up disappearing where they do not belong: in nature. With this day, Zero Waste Europe wants to encourage people to choose alternatives. For example, recycling plastic bags or more sustainable alternatives. It is therefore a day dedicated to raising awareness.
Is it possible?
Is it possible not to use any plastic bags on July 3? There are alternatives to use on that day. Natuurlijk mag je ook gebruik maken van de plastic tas die je al eerder hebt ontvangen, kreeg of gekocht hebt. Misschien lukt het je om het langer dan een dag vol te houden.
The next step
The next step may be to think about other forms of plastic substitution. What else is possible. There are plenty of other plastic products that end up in places they shouldn’t. The plastic bag is just one example. Admittedly a common example, hence this day on July 3.
Plastic Soup
Related to this topic is the topic “Plastic Soup.” This is a term that refers to the accumulation of plastic waste in our oceans. This global environmental issue has serious consequences for both marine life and human health.
Cause of the Plastic Soup
The main cause of the Plastic Soup is irresponsible handling of plastic waste. Much of this waste ends up in the sea, where it is carried by currents and accumulates in certain areas.
Consequences for marine life
Plastic waste in the oceans is harmful to marine life. Animals can get entangled in larger pieces of plastic, or they can swallow smaller particles, which can block their digestive system.
Impact on human health
Plastic soup also has implications for human health. Small plastic particles, known as microplastics, can enter the food chain and eventually end up on our plates.
Solutions for the Plastic Soup
There are several strategies to tackle plastic soup, including reducing plastic consumption, improving waste management, and cleaning up existing pollution.
Serious problem
Plastic Soup is a serious environmental problem that requires global attention. By becoming aware of our plastic consumption and taking action to reduce it, we can all play a role in solving this problem.
Not only in the seas
Plastic Soup isn’t the only problem, since plastic bags not only end up in the seas. They end up in more unwanted locations. This makes a day like this even more important.