- Sep 18 2025
- All day
When: Annually, September 18.
On September 18, the world reflects on equal pay on International Equal Pay Day. This is a day recognised by the United Nations (UN).
Without gender restrictions
The day when we should think hard about whether the way people get an appreciation for their work is the right way. On International Equal Pay Day, we should recognise this is not always true. This is contrary to what is sometimes claimed.
Equal pay, without gender restrictions. That is what 18 September is all about. This should be the case every day. Indeed, it should never be like this again. Gender restrictions on pay should not be there. They are there and there are all sorts of ‘nice’ reasons and excuses for them. Piece by piece, they can be subverted. They don’t make sense and boil down to the same thing: perpetuating a pay gap or Gender Pay Gap.
When you take away the word labour, only the word discrimination remains. That’s basically what it is. Gender-based discrimination. By the way, this need not only be limited to cis women anymore. Consider also those who do not belong within “that box” for example. Non-binary persons, trans women and, to a lesser extent, trans men.
The United Nations established this day to make us face the facts. The only question is whether it helps very much. The Netherlands also has a wage gap, although some people think otherwise. It is sometimes translated in such a way that, in the end, it is all down to the people it happens to. People should negotiate better or just work more.
Role of the man
The role of men, as annoying as this is, remains decisive for the time being. They determine whether something is a success or not. They make decisions, hold important positions and leave their mark on economics and politics. In addition, they are often breadwinners or at least the main breadwinners.
Is this saying that women are not able or want to do it? Such statements or inferences are dangerous assumptions. Besides, it is about opportunities and the possibilities that may or may not be offered. These are not always offered to women. This is also not to say that opportunities are not taken or addressed by women. The fact that there is no equal pay for the same work may play a decisive role. When you do not get the same appreciation for the same work, it does something to you. Not only that, it does not allow you to make adjustments. Think, for instance, of adjustments that might cause the division of roles at home to change. This is not only linked to salary, by the way. It also requires a change in mentality. You don’t do something like that alone.
Imagine if you do, as a couple consisting of a heterosexual couple and you find that in a position as a woman, you receive less salary. So then the options are limited or restricted. So in some cases, it is made impossible.
On this day, it is good to think about such things. Only, you may do the same the day after. As well as the day after.
Besides the division between women and men, there is something else that should not be forgotten. A woman is not “paired” with a man. After all, that would be disastrous for emancipation. Besides, how does this relate to the LGBT+ community? So that idea is untenable or unthinkable! Besides, people are not property.
Much bigger than that "clutch"
There is a much bigger problem than that “clutch.” A wage gap is nothing more than a rock-hard staircase. Based on gender, that kick is handed out and that results in restrictions. Even if you are not “coupled” with a man, you may still get certain treatment. Just because you are a woman.
If you are a trans woman, then you have also had to work hard to get there. Besides all the misunderstandings you have to deal with from society at certain times anyway, you also have to deal with that pernicious pay gap. Of course, it’s misguided to argue that it does end up being some kind (of) acceptance… Let’s face it, you have a wage gap, just like cis women… That’s just, again, misguided.
What is also misplaced: the wage gap and excuses. There are so many excuses to make. Ranging from women who may drop out due to pregnancy, to women caring for children…
Why is all this so? Because men fail to do so. Here and there, they very nicely incorporate a papa day. This is a day in which the jolly dad combines some work here and there with caring for the children and sets himself up as a nanny, so to speak. There are plenty of fathers (and mothers) who think of it this way: a sitter for one’s children. Think about that.
Men, make sure it all stays that way. It was like this for centuries, so that’s why it stays like this, right? Besides, women are working on it!
That is an interesting thought. A harmful thought, by the way. The system is maintained by everyone who participates in it. That’s not just men, by the way. Women also participate in it. Sometimes voluntarily, sometimes by necessity and sometimes without thinking. A day like today is necessary, no matter what its opponents think.