International Dot Day


Sep 15 2025


All day


When: Annually, September 15.
In honour of The Dot, there is International Dot Day. Isn’t that a special day? Definitely! Only what exactly should you think about on this day? First of all, creativity.
International Dot Day isn’t just any day. It’s a day for creative minds. The day challenges you to do your best and perhaps step beyond your boundaries, creatively.As long as you’re inspired by dots. As much as the creator of The Dot once did. Because that’s what the day is named after.

Comics and books

The Dot is a series of comics and books by Peter H. Reynolds and the first day was a reality in 2009. Of course, the focus is on Reynolds’ books. Only this day is about making beautiful dots or circles and colouring them in. For example, on the ground, with pavement chalk. If that is too much work, get to work with paper, felt-tip pens or coloured pencils. Let your imagination run wild and who knows where it will all lead. Examples abound. You can find them via this website.

Step one

Not sure where to start? No problem! Here is step one.


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