Home Bijzondere dagen - Artigenda Healthcare International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day

International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day


Oct 17 2025


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Raise Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
In October, we reflect on people with a language development disorder (TOS). We do this on International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day, sometimes known as World TOS Day.

Wat is een taalontwikkelingsstoornis?

The day is there to draw attention to people with language development disabilities worldwide. Not everyone understands that term, so what exactly is it about?

According to the website World TOS Day about 266,000 children and young adults. This is a significant group. These are individuals in whom the brain causes language processing to be impaired. This makes learning a language more difficult than for others. This is precisely why it is important that a proper diagnosis can be made at an early stage. Professionals therefore need to know that there is such a thing as a language development disorder. The signs need to be known and it also needs to be known what options are available so that arrears do not increase. Treatment is available, as is counselling.

More information

A day like today draws attention to the group of children and young adults. Not only that, treatment methods and counselling are also the focus. More about can be found on the Dutch-language website World TOS Day. If you want more depth, there is also an English-language website on the subject: Raising Awareness for Developmental Language Disorder. This website can be found here.


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