When: annually, December 10.
Human Rights Day leaves no doubt about what this day is all about. The day is a day established by the United Nations that takes place annually on 10 December, in honour of the moment when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on 10 December 1948.
Main statement(s)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is perhaps one of the most important declarations ever issued by the peoples’ organization. This declaration would form the basis for many other declarations. Not only that. The declaration would form the basis for policies and decisions taken subsequently. The declaration was adopted at the UN General Assembly through Resolution A/RES/217.
Besides a legal value, this declaration has a moral value. It also became a starting point for many national laws of individual countries. Here, the horrors that took place before and during World War II played an important role. With that emotion in mind, so to speak, it was decided to arrive at this declaration. This would also form the basis on which human rights organizations would rely. This would become their ‘weapon’ in their fight against injustice.
Not legally binding
Although the UDHR is not legally binding, this declaration should not be underestimated. It is precisely this moral value that comes into play. However, it may be that UN-related bodies can invoke it and make decisions. The declaration can also be used for new agreements and declarations, which have been done in the past.
Some additional statements were logical but long overdue. Take an international treaty against torture. When you consider that this treaty only came into being in 1984, it is almost surreal. Even more surreal are children’s rights. Especially with World War II in mind, one might expect that world leaders of the time would adequately protect children. It was not until 1989 that the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into being. An additional treaty, based on this 1989 treaty and thus based on the UDHR, that had to do with the disappearance of children waited until no less than 2007.
Booster for human rights organizations
The good news though was that the convention was a booster for the emergence of new organizations. Outside the UN. Human rights organizations. They were independent of government interference and had been working since the drafting of the treaty and its supplementary treaties to oversee a world in which people could live in freedom. In some cases, they were successful. In many cases, they were not. This immediately shows that this UDHR has a non-committal character after all. Sanctions can be handed out for excesses, but that is sometimes a lengthy process. It also depends on a specific situation. For instance, is a situation discussed in the UN Security Council or another body?
While the UDHR is important for Human Rights Day, it is not just this declaration that today is about. However, it is good to know that this day would not be there without that declaration. Human rights are a great good and should be safeguarded. Not in every place in the world are people safe. On a day like today, it is time to reflect on this and call attention to those cases.
More information
The UN offers a special website about this day.