(European) Equal Pay Day)


Nov 15 2025


All day




European Commission
When: Annually, 15 November.
Do not confuse (European) Equal Pay Day) with International Equal Pay Day. The European day takes place on 15 November, and the international day on 18 September.

Equal pay

The European Equal Pay Day, a day established by the European Commission, aims to highlight the importance of equal pay in EU member states. This is much needed, because in 2021, men’s hourly wages in the EU were on average 12.7% higher than women’s. We are then talking about the hourly wage for the same work.

Pay gap

People also talk about a pay gap or gender pay gap and this is causing social unrest. Why are women paid less for the same work? Reasons are given for this that are not tenable. Hence, a day like today should ensure that this changes.

Equal Pay Day

So in addition to the European version of this day, there is an international version. That is the International Equal Pay Day. In the Netherlands, on 14 November, people will reflect on equal pay between women and men. As you here, 14 November was chosen because 87 per cent of the year has passed.

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