- Oct 03 2025
- All day
Nationaal Ouderenfonds
When: Annually, first Friday of October.
Every first Friday of October is National Elder Day. A day when we reflect on the elderly in our country and think about the issues that are important to the elderly in our society. The Dutch Ouderenfonds (National Elderly Fund) wants to raise awareness to elders in society.
Growing old brings with it limitations, which is not easy for everyone. Society sometimes does not take this into account. On a day like today, attention is drawn to these issues. Consider, for instance, loneliness, mobility and health. These are just some of the important issues.
All elderly people in the Netherlands
How do we take care of the people who took care of us before? Het Ouderenfonds is primarily committed to all elderly people in the Netherlands. It also wants to make everyone aware of their presence. So that they are not forgotten. In a society that is all about speed, online and active life, you would sometimes forget that not everyone can participate in this society, due to an age limitation. In other cases, it might be due to health reasons or a physical disability. For those two categories, of course, there are other advocacy organisations. So het Ouderenfonds stands up for the elderly in our society.
An ageing society is changing and altering priorities. This can lead to difficulties and making choices. Choices that are sometimes difficult to explain. Especially not to people it happens to or who are affected by these choices. Sometimes overnight.
More information
This is a national Dutch event, therefore the information is offered in Dutch, via the website of Het Nationaal Ouderenfonds.
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