Dutch Coffee Day


Sep 23 2025


All day
When: annually, fourth Tuesday of September.
Every fourth Tuesday in September, people in the Netherlands dwell on coffee. This is a local edition of the Day of Coffee (Dutch Coffee Day) and not International Coffee Day.

Multiple days

Multiple days focus on coffee. The Dutch Day of Coffee always takes place on the fourth day of September. Usually, this is the penultimate or last Tuesday of September. These are different days from, say, the English or American editions. It is also a different day from the international edition of this day, to make things even easier. However, it is a day to not only dwell on coffee but to enjoy it even more. In addition, it is a good time to delve into it. For instance, into the history of coffee.

International Coffee Day

The difference with the international version is that in the Netherlands we don’t have anything to do with that date, do we? Let’s be honest, what do we in the Netherlands have with September 29? What do we have with that date now? That is the date set aside for International Coffee Day. Logical, because that was the date when the history of coffee began for the West. So yes, indeed important for the Netherlands! The first shipment of coffee beans was sent from Brazil to the United States on 29 September 1723. After that, coffee beans would also be shipped to Europe.

Fourth Tuesday of September

So is it curious that the Netherlands has its day? Not at all. Many countries have such a day. So the Netherlands is no exception. So in this case, it is the fourth Tuesday of September.


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