Dress Red Day


Sep 29 2025


All day




Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Other organizers

When: Annually, September 29.

Dress Red Day is an annual day to draw attention to cardiovascular diseases in women. so that they too can receive timely diagnosis and treatment. The day is closely related to World Heart Day.

Meer aandacht

Is even more attention desirable, besides World Heart Day? Actually, yes, because it concerns a specific target group. Although the day was not conceived by the World Heart Foundation, there are similarities with World Heart Day. Firstly, because Dress Red Day and World Heart Day (the English name for World Heart Day) take place on the same day. This is not without reason. This is the day on which the World Heart Foundation was founded. Only that federation was not responsible for Dress Red Day.

National Heart, Long and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

The US organisation National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) was founded on 16 June 1948 and is responsible for devising Dress Red Day. Instead of referring to its foundation date, it decided to refer to September 29. That was the founding date of the World Heart Foundation in 1978. This was because of the global nature of that organisation. The NHLBI first organised the day in 2002.

The Netherlands: De Hartstichting

Until 2021, the Dutch Hartstichting (Heart Foundation) was involved in this day in the Netherlands. Since that year, the organisation is no longer involved. However, the organisation still supports the action, as can be read on this page. This information is only available in Dutch.


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