Demigirl Pride Day


Jun 21 2025


All day




Not applicable
When: annually, June 21.
Demigirl Pride Day is on June 21. It’s a day to raise awareness for demigirls, demiladies, demifemales and demiwomen worldwide.


When a person is partly defined as a girl or woman, but is not fully referred to as a girl or woman or is/will be identified as such, this is a demigirl. Synonyms for demigirl are demilady, demifemale or demiwoman. Those designations are less stigmatising than using the word girl.

Demigender is the gender identity that’s listed under the umbrella identity genderqueer. Demigirl resides under the category demigender.

Not all cases have to involve identification with birth sex and a different gender. Many things are possible and one’s conclusions should never be drawn. They do get drawn and that is why there is a lot of misunderstanding. A day like today is therefore much needed. For the demigirls, it is a day to show who they are. Proud of who they are and that they are allowed to be present. Visible, everywhere.

Zeros and ones

Not everyone will agree that there’s more. Not everyone’s willing to agree that there’s more than this binary system of gender identities. Face it, humans aren’t computers. When it comes down to computers it’s just a matter of zeros and ones. It doesn’t work like that when it comes to people. Computers communicate based on zeros and ones. People aren’t.

More information

Information about the image at the top of this page:

The Demigirl Pride Flag.
Source: Nonbinary Wiki.


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