Daughters Day


Sep 25 2025


All day


When: Annually, September 25.

Daughters Day takes place annually on September 25. The focus is on (step)daughters, all over the world.

Origin of the day

The origins of Daughters Day are partly commercial. Originally, it was a day celebrated in India. That day was celebrated on the last day in September. A greeting card company found this an interesting day and decided to pay attention to it. It wanted to emphasise that girls and women are equally important. So (step) daughters are just as valuable as (step) sons. This is not the case everywhere in the world.

The company that embraced this initiative in India was Archive Limited. A well-known Indian company specialising mainly in greeting cards and related products.

Meaning of Daughters Day

Contrary to what you might think, this day is not about giving gifts. Of course, you could send a card. That was the hope of the India-based company that was going to promote the day. It only went beyond sending cards. The day is there to think hard about how we treat girls and women. In a country like India, girls and women do not fare well. That is not the only country where this is the case. This is the case in more countries around the world. Hence, it is a moment of reflection and appreciation.

Daughters face challenges in society. Country borders are (sometimes) secondary in this. The issues are (sometimes) the same. In a large number of countries, girls face gender inequality, limited or even no access to education or healthcare, and discrimination in the labour market. Daughters Day is the painful reminder that this can and should be different.

Gaat het om gendergelijkheid, dan mag niet vergeten worden dat dit alles niet beperkt is tot cisgender dochters. Wat te denken van transgender dochters? Laten we deze groep vooral niet vergeten. De uitdagingen en de problemen waarmee zij te maken krijgen en hebben zijn soms vele malen groter.

Activities on Daughters Day

Giving attention to Daughters Day is possible in various ways. Consider the following activities:

Recognition and compliments

Let your (step)daughter know how proud you are of her. Compliment her on her achievements and encourage her to pursue her dreams.

Quality time

Whenever possible, spend time with your (step)daughter(s) and decide what activities the (step)daughter(s) want to do. In short, quality time in other words!

Make memories

Make new memories together by doing something special. This could be a photo shoot, a day out or just spending time together and enjoying each other's company.

Educational activities

Use the day to inspire and motivate your (step)daughter. Visit a museum, read a book together or do an educational activity that interests her.

Personalised gifts

Somewhere in last place come the presents. This day is not about gifts. If you do want to give something, then it is "small." Then it's about the idea "behind it." In other words, a personal gift. In that case, a self-written letter can already be a special gift.

Role of parents or guardians

Parents/carers play a crucial role in the lives of their (step) daughters. They are their first role models and have a great influence on their self-image and self-confidence. By instilling positive values and norms, parents/carers can help their (step)daughters become strong, confident and independent women.

Parents/carers must encourage their (step) daughters to follow their passions and interests, regardless of traditional gender roles. This means that girls should be given the same opportunities as boys to learn, grow and reach their potential. By creating a supportive and loving environment, parents/carers can help their (step)daughters overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Gender equality and empowerment

This is also a day to reflect on the broader issue of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Although progress has been made globally, gender inequality remains a persistent problem. Women and girls still face discrimination, violence and limited opportunities in different areas of life.

Promoting gender equality starts at home. Parents can play an important role by teaching their daughters that they are equal to their brothers and deserve the same rights and opportunities. This also means that parents should raise their sons with respect for women and teach them to support gender equality.

Future of this day

Mother’s Day has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Unfortunately, not for the right reasons. Many people think the day is mainly about a special day to reward daughters with gifts. That is not what the day is about. It is about growing awareness for the day. Then awareness will also grow for the thought behind it. That will only be of positive value for the future of this day.

The future must be to end gender inequality, and discrimination and increase acceptance. The future of girls and women must be guaranteed. This could lead to a day like Daughter’s Day being adapted. Then it will become a day like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.


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