Cabernet Sauvignon Day


Aug 30 2025


All day


When: annually, August 30.

It was just a vulgar marketing stunt in 2009, to declare 30 August as Cabernet Sauvignon Day. Primarily to introduce the American public (if it wasn’t already) to this wine variety. As is often the case, this special day was also adopted in other countries and so it became an international special day.

What is Cabernet Sauvignon?

It is about the type of blue grapes used to make wine. Research has shown that it is a cross between Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc. The wine is actually one of the most popular wine varieties you can think of.

Origin of the day

Its creator is Rick Bakas. He conceived an American day in 2009, which would later grow into an international day. The purpose of the day is to draw attention (a purely coincidental pun in this case… or not) to the wine variety and its history. This wine variety, as connoisseurs know, has long since ceased to be traced back to just France. A good Cabernet Sauvignon may well come from Australia or South Africa, for example.

Connoisseurs are bound to disagree with this. This must be tantamount to swearing. Yet there is a grain of truth in it, because this has everything to do with the next section.

Source: Unsplash.

Not a protected name

The name is just protected and the wine variety may also be called so when it does not originate from France. Unlike Champagne, for example. That, however, is a protected name. Only, on 30 August it is not Champagne Day, it is the day when we think of Cabernet Sauvignon.

The origins of the grape must be sought in the Médoc region of France. If you want to know more about Cabernet Sauvignon, brush up on your French, as there is a Wikipedia page where you can find more information.

Information about the image at the top of this page:

Source: Unsplash.


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