Home Bijzondere dagen - Artigenda Autumn Holidays Dutch South Region

Autumn Holidays Dutch South Region


Oct 11 - 19 2025


All day


Regio Zuid (Nederland)


When: Annually, October.
The southern education region in the Netherlands, like the two other education regions (central Netherlands and northern Netherlands), has a week’s holiday in October. This holiday is known as the autumn holiday or aster holiday.

Aster or All Saints holiday

The name astervakantie (aster holiday) is a name that is less used for a period of one or two weeks in the autumn. It depends on the region where the educational institution can be found during the holiday. Yet another name for this holiday is the All Saints’ holiday, as it falls in the week of All Saints’ Day in Belgium or the week before All Saints’ Day.

No mandatory holiday staggering

In the Netherlands, this holiday is not subject to a compulsory holiday staggering. Schools are therefore allowed to deviate from the prescribed period. Instead of one week, schools may also choose to have the holiday consist of two weeks. However, this means that compensation will have to take place at other times.

More information

The information on Dutch school holidays is offered by the Dutch government in the Dutch language. That information is always leading. The information offered on this website (offered by Artigenda) is therefore indicative. The information on the website of the Dutch government is always leading. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the information on Artigenda’s website.
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Autumn Holidays Dutch South Region.
Source: Unsplash.


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